Colorado Moon's Malinois
AKC Belgian Malinois in our breeding program
Lexi Luna
DOB: 10/04/21
Sire: Chapo III - DN63903411
Dam: Luna XXXV - DN62328503
AKC: DN68723605
Dark Mahagany Sable with Extended Mask
Currently 57 pounds
Embark Tested - Maternal Halogroup B1 Halotype B71 COI 10%
Health Genetics:
Breed-relevant results are clear
Coat Color Genetics:
Lexi carries a recessive copy of the rare tan point gene-
EmEm kyky ayat
Intensity Loci:
Available for future planned whelping fall 2026 (Lexi's final whelping)
Considering studs from AKC champion bloodlines:
-Solid Temperament with proven working lineage
-Wild type wolf sable/agouti males aw/aw
-Tan point allele carriers ay/at
Hans Solo
DOB: 07/19/24
Sire: Khirugai's Where Angel Meets Assassin "Fletcher"
Dam: Colorado Moon's Lexi Luna
AKC: DN79709305
Red Sable with Extended Mask
Currently 45 pounds at 5 months old
Embark Tested - Maternal Halogroup B1 Halotype B7a1 Paternal Halogroup A1b Halotype Ha.4/11 COI 11%
Health Genetics:
No recessive duplicates
Coat Color Genetics:
Intensity Loci:
Intermediate Red
Started Schutzhund Training
Proudly built with Strikingly.